Momas Milk

Breastfeeding is something that has become very close to my heart its also something i never thought i would do or still be doing 15 months later. Although it came somewhat naturally to me we still had our struggles. When Teddy was born we had latching issues, struggled with blocked milk ducts, cracked and bleeding nipples but i was determined to make it work. I felt so proud watching him grow from my own nourishment and by the time he was two weeks old he had doubled in his original birth weight.It also helped me lose all my pregnancy weight and more, Being a new mum is tough on your body but breastfeeding can be a little harder and i lost a lot of weight and looked very run down, like any parent i was to focused on my new baby i was forgetting to look after myself. By the time teddy was four months old i wasn’t just tired i was exhausted, which i soon realised there is a big difference, it wasn’t until a visit to my public health nurse when she asked me was i ok that i realised i wasnt, i was suffering from PND and its only in recent times that i have realised that. Being on medication did not agree with my body so i have decided to overcome it on my own with the help of my own mum who has been my absolute rock without even knowing it! sometimes breastfeeding made me feel trapped, like there was no way to escape for even half an hour and have time by myself, but i could of done things different like introduce bottles but of course its only when you look back you realise these things. Teddy was a hungry baby so it meant nursing every two hours (if i was lucky) during the day and constantly at night, something that still happens now! Because he fed so much he was so used to be in my arms that when he was put down he screamed until he was picked back up again resulting in a ‘spoiled baby’. When everything settled down and we started to get the hang of things then came the growth spurts!! Growth spurts is where your baby just wants to drink drink and drink! I could of fed Teddy for 6 hours straight and he still wasn’t satisfied but it needed to happen so my body could start making more milk to suit his needs, but my god they made me feel suicidal at times (not literally)I felt like giving up so many times and just giving him formula but i felt to guilty. Being a young mum with little education no job or a lot of money i felt like i couldn’t offer him anything good and breastmilk was my way of giving him the best nourishment and start in life, although i was mostly surviving on redbull and frozen pizza so who knows if it was any use to him.. but that’s only the negative stuff and all that is easier to remember.I honestly do love breastfeeding and definitely made the right choice, i always forget i loved cradling him in my arms for hours, having loads of skin to skin contact,watching him grow and know that he is getting the best, not to mention the huge list of health benefits for both mother and baby the list is way to long but there is a reason its called liquid gold. Its also not just food comfort plays a huge part in it, after all his injections,nasty falls, upset tummies or he just wants comfort in general nursing calms him right down.Did i mention its free? If everyone breastfed it could save tax payers millions of euros each year. Theres also is no getting up at night to make bottles, you can do it anywhere (with a little confidence) and if your forgetful like me you don’t have to worry about forgetting bottles while out. It may seem like there was more bad than good but everyone’s experience is different i still wouldn’t trade mine for anything, Teddy is no where near ready to wean and iv no idea when our breastfeeding journey will end but ill continue to feed him until he decides, unless hes coming home from a night out with a lads and wanting some boobie before bed!image 




2 thoughts on “Momas Milk

  1. Leanne (Charlies mummy) x says:

    Love this & love you!! I’m so glad I came across you on insta! I think your fab and have done a mint job with beaut teddy so far! Sending love and kisses 😘😘 xxxx


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